
What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is an essential part of Christian initiation. In Confirmation, the bishop anoints us with the Holy Spirit. This sacrament is intended to:

Parent Information Meeting:

*insert date here* 

The link will be sent to all those that have completed the registration process below

Registration Process: 

Step 1: *insert link to package here* to read the Information Package. The links to register and submit payment  are within the Information Package. 

Step 2: Complete the online Registration Form (Please fill out this form prior to the Parent Information Meeting)

Step 3: Submit $52 to cover the program costs. Online or cash/cheque at the Parish  Office mail slot. 

Step 4: Email a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate (with English translation if required) to

Step 5: Attend the Parent Information meeting *insert date here* on ZOOM. The ZOOM link will be sent to all those who are registered.